Mindfulness Wellbeing at Work

Mindfulness can help us live more fulfilled, relaxed and confident lives. In the workplace it can help us to be more effective team players, become more creative, set and achieve their goals and communicate successfully.  Motivated, positive people can create more value for their businesses. When we feel more successful and fulfilled in our workplace we can feel more resilient, more objective,  show kindness to ourselves and our team as well as build trust with our colleagues. Mindfulness can be such a helpful tool to enable us to develop these resources.
As well as individuals, many employers are aware of the benefits of supporting the development of their employees through training in Mindfulness.  The benefits of mindfulness are well documented and those witnessed in the workplace  include:

Enhanced decision making
Positive communication
Resilient teams and leaders
Greater creativity and innovation
Positivity around change
Greater resilience
Become more active listeners
Be more emotionally aware
Increased clarity of thought
Focus more precisely
Empathise more easily
Enhanced level of wellbeing

The benefits not only improve the work experience for the each individual but the businesses can enjoy greater productivity long term.  In the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that self-reported work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for an estimated 11.7 million lost working days in Britain in 2015/16. 


The background and science of mindfulness

Mindfulness is not a new fad, its roots can be traced back to Buddhist traditions of over 2,500 years ago. In the western world secular mindfulness teaching and wellbeing programs were established in the early 1970s.

Since then, there has been comprehensive research into the benefits of  mindfulness and it is now strongly accepted as an evidence-based approach. There ia an impressive array of scientific proof of its efficacy available. For example, MRI scans of the brain’s Hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with learning, memory, empathy and self-awareness, have been shown to increase in participants of mindfulness programs. The brain tissue of the Amygdala, which plays a major role in stress and anxiety, has been shown to decrease.


Mindfulness Courses: Introductory Taster Session 

This session gives employees the opportunity to find out what mindfulness is and importantly what it isn’t!  The focus is on demonstrating how mindfulness can help individuals personally, this encourages continued participation which is vital for the benefits to be enjoyed by individuals and the company.  Participants get to experience mindfulness practices for themselves and receive audio recording of meditations to continue their practice.

For more information or a quote please do contact me on 07531  121199.


Mindfulness Course: Full Day Workshop

At Breathe therapy we believe in making mindfulness as accessible as possible. Many mindfulness courses are delivered over 8 weeks which can be fantastic but simply does not fit into many work environments. Finding a weekly slot to suit all participants for 8 weeks is often impossible!  To avoid this added pressure for the company we deliver the program over one day. This includes all the resources needed for everyone to continue on with their mindfulness development. Support is available by phone or email to encourage or guide if needed. 

For more information or a quote please do  contact me on 07531 121199.

Your Mindfulness Trainer 

Trained in the Mindfulness Now programe which integrates key elements of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Both are evidence based and the latter is recommended by NICE. The certified teacher training is approved by The British Psychological Society and includes specialist tuition in mindfulness approaches.  Passionate about mindfulness, Joanne Marie aims to deliver courses that are both fun and  inspirational, transforming lives and workplaces. 


If you work in a fast-paced environment, the need to multitask and deliver work quickly can be overwhelming. What’s more, it may affect your mental health and wellbeing. Practising mindfulness at work can help to combat this
— Bupa UK mindfulness expert Dr Meera Joshi 2017