Breathe Holistic Therapy

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Reflexology: Your time to relax & breathe

Listen to a free relaxation MP3 here. Enjoy ten minutes out, time for you to ... pause ... relax …and breathe.

Joanne Marie BSc Registered CNHC

Reflexology & Pregnancy Therapies.

Breathe Holistic Therapy provides professional reflexology, mindfulness and pregnancy treatments in Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY115LB.

Have you forgotten how to relax or take time out for yourself? Have you been putting your emotional and physical well being on the back burner?

Today's lifestyle can take its toll on us all from time to time. You can quickly and easily begin to quickly take care of yourself with complementary therapies that can make you feel fantastic.

You can trust Breathe Holistic Therapy, established in 2008, to have your own unique needs at the heart of everything we do.  

Reflexology and Mindfulness

Why not give me a call on 07531121199? I can give you impartial advice on how reflexology and mindfulness can help. Any kind of therapy is a very personal experience. If you'd like to e-mail me with your contact details I'd be happy to discuss some options with you on a one to one basis. 

Pregnancy Treatments

Maternity massage and reflexology are all available to be enjoyed during your second and third trimesters.

Listen to a free relaxation MP3 here. Enjoy ten minutes out, your time to relax ... pause ... and breathe.

How can Breathe Holistic Therapy help me?

Modern life can for many of us present a series of challenges. Often these can be positive and enjoyable but sometimes we are faced with difficulties which may effect our physical and emotional well being.  These can take many forms as we are all wonderfully unique. At Breathe Holistic Therapy the treatments available are designed to support you and smooth out these challenges. Our focus is on reducing stress and alleviating anxiety as we believe this is the key to so many other difficulties.  Reflexology promotes a feeling of calm relaxation, an emotional and physical response which counteracts many damaging effects of high stress. Mindfulness can bring an all round sense of open, relaxed awareness, building resilience and reducing anxiety. 

Looking for Maternity Therapies?

At Breathe Holistic Therapy you can enjoy a full range of pregnancy treatments tailored to your own specific needs. The therapies are delivered by a qualified and experienced therapist who has been working with pregnant clients since 2008. You can enjoy maternity reflexology, pregnancy massage to enhance not only your child birth experience but your whole pregnancy. Pregnancy therapies are available. in Kidderminster Worcestershire, to help you to have a positive and enjoyable pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.

How can reflexology treatments help me? 

Are you feeling stressed, finding it hard to relax? Would you like to feel calmer and more able to cope with the pressures of everyday life? Are you constantly feeling exhausted and generally lacking energy?

If it's the pressures of life, bad news or poor health that are dragging you down then reflexology can help to calm your anxiety, giving you energy to focus on the good things in life once again. Reflexology is a specialised foot massage designed to evoke the powerful relaxation response, enabling you to feel wonderfully calm and more able to manage stress and anxiety. There are many research studies showing the benefits of reflexology treatments for many physical issues, for more information please visit reflexology

How Can Mindfulness help me? 

Do you have a sense that you are rushing through life without really experiencing or enjoying anything? Mindfulness can be a wonderful way to introduce a sense of calm awareness which can enhance your day to day ability to really experience your life. Learning Mindfulness at Breathe Holistic Therapy can enable you to begin to step off the constant treadmill of "doing" and spend some quality time simply " being" in your life. Mindfulness and reflexology are combined to provide an experience that introduces a sense of well being that can seamlessly be continued in your daily life.

All  treatments are available from the comfort of the Kidderminster home based salon.  Appointments are available during the day or evenings by request. Please contact us if you would like to discuss a home visit. For full details of treatments available, please take a look at the treatment menu.


Reflexology and pregnancy therapies Kidderminster - Booking your treatment

Take the weight off your feet and find your time to Breathe. Please call me on 07531121199 to discuss your own unique needs.