Reflexology and Extreme Morning Sickness

Maternity ReflexologyWe learnt today that Catherine Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant and unfortunately experiencing extreme morning sickness.  Whilst sending warmest congratulations I also feel great empathy with the Duchess. Hyperemesis gravidarium is certainly not a good way to start a pregnancy. Although the condition rarely has any harmful lasting effects on mum - to - be  or the baby it is distressing and debilitating. I know this because I too was hospitalised with the condition. 

I assumed morning sickness was fleeting and mild, but for me and so many women it is far from that. The nausea and the sickness can last throughout the day and night, and throughout the entire pregnancy.  Hyperemesis gravidarium is not a condition that should be managed without medical support. This is a serious and difficult condition where the woman needs support both medically and emotionally.

Hyperemisis gravidarium is just one of the pregnancy conditions that can unfortunately blight this very special time in a couples' life. One of the driving forces behind my training and passion for reflexology and maternity reflexology was finding treatments to help make pregnancies positive again for women experiencing these issues.  Maternity reflexology is one of the treatments that can really help women enjoy their pregnancies. The balancing treatment helps the body during this time of great change.

At Breathe Holistic Therapy we work with midwives consent and generally do not see women before their 12 week scan. In cases of extreme difficulty and after thorough consultation with midwives reflexology can be performed before this time.

If you, like Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, are suffering from extreme morning sickness please do speak to your GP or midwife. Follow their advise but also consider complementary therapy as there may well be a treatment that suits your needs.

Reflexology Kidderminster. Please contact 07531 121199